INTERIOR lighting
MCB leverages its extensive distributor, manufacturer and servicing partnerships to deliver extensive interior lighting solutions.
MCB installed over 25,000 intelligent light fixtures and associated equipment in over 2.5M square feet of buildings, serving 40 different federal GSA customers. We are a direct distributor of
products from all of the companies listed below and have the capability and capacity to install, maintain and warranty energy efficient lighting systems nationwide. Our turkey intelligent lighting systems have the potential to save 50% - 70% on your lighting costs (tested by Berkley Labs).
MCB was the fastest growing lighting distributor in 2017 according to INC 500. The #12 ranked fastest growing Energy company manages diversity and federal lighting programs for several
major manufacturers. We provide holistic training, marketing, contracting assistance, pricing, and whatever support is needed
to triple the sales growth of key diversity and federal sector divisions of participating manufacturers. Our network is national with over 180 distribution locations fully vetted under a quality control process to meet the objectives of contractual terms
and conditions of these programs. The lighting marketplace is
more diverse causing a huge natural surge in sales with true diversity companies. And in the LED lighting and controls sector, small business solutions are the top priority.